Togetherness in the South
We are 13 journalists from across South Africa who were trained in Election Reporting by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation together with German’s Deutsche Welle Akademie during June 2008 in Johannesburg. We came from Cape Town, Polokwane, Mokopane, KZN, Potchefstroom, Rustenburg, Upington, and East London. We did both theoretical and ground training in journalism. We went to a number of places and events in Johannesburg, including Constitutional Hill, Million Man March in Pretoria, and the refugee camp in Glenvista. As part of the workshop we produced features and radio magazine programmes about 2009 general elections in South Africa. On this blog we write about world and economic issues as well as local news. We share news happening in our individual communities and our opinions on matters that directly affect South Africans.